Tuesday, April 27, 2021

And... I've received my second Covid vaccination shot.  While I felt nothing but a bit of a sore arm for the first shot, the second made me feel a bit tired - the kind of tired you feel at 2pm when you make a run to the local coffee shop for pick-me-up.  A few muscle aches and my arm was sore.  All shaken off like tearing off a band-aid.  I just took it easy for a few days.  Get the shot.  Move on with life.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021


 I've received my first shot of the Covid19 vaccine.  My second shot is scheduled for mid-April.  I am looking forward to returning to a crowded supermarket or eating in a restaurant once again soon.

The people at SUNY Stonybrook were so nice and friendly.  I was in and out within minutes.  My arm is a bit sore but it's a good kind of soreness, the ache you feel after a great workout, hike in a peaceful wood, or arriving back from a long vacation, returning back to a normal life.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

 Once again months pass like hours.  There appears to be light at the end of the Covid19 tunnel of hell.  I am scheduled for my first vaccine shot at the end of March.  I had spent weeks beating up on the "refresh" button to compete with my fellow New York'ers for my time slot.  Never have I been so anxious to get this over with already.

I continue to work with a single model for my photography.  Ordinarily I would be working with as many as six models on a rotating schedule.  Due to the pandemic, I have reduced the number of people I come in contact with.  This may change at the end of April as my 2nd shot of the vaccine kicks in.

Life is otherwise boring.  I have ample toilet paper and hand sanitizer and venture out only once or twice a week for food.  The rest of my days are spent looking out the window.  February's snow storms in New York have been cold, dreary, and oppressive yet today is sunny.  We are at the start of a change of seasons this week.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

One of my photographs has been accepted for inclusion in a virtual photography exhibit at The Art Guild, Manhasset, NY. The theme of the show reflects how the global pandemic has affected our artistic development. For me, being restrained to my apartment for nearly a year now, I have started to photograph interesting objects which I am pulling out of the closet.

click here for more information