Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Once again months pass like hours. There appears to be light at the end of the Covid19 tunnel of hell. I am scheduled for my first vaccine shot at the end of March. I had spent weeks beating up on the "refresh" button to compete with my fellow New York'ers for my time slot. Never have I been so anxious to get this over with already.
I continue to work with a single model for my photography. Ordinarily I would be working with as many as six models on a rotating schedule. Due to the pandemic, I have reduced the number of people I come in contact with. This may change at the end of April as my 2nd shot of the vaccine kicks in.
Life is otherwise boring. I have ample toilet paper and hand sanitizer and venture out only once or twice a week for food. The rest of my days are spent looking out the window. February's snow storms in New York have been cold, dreary, and oppressive yet today is sunny. We are at the start of a change of seasons this week.
Thursday, January 21, 2021
One of my photographs has been accepted for inclusion in a virtual photography exhibit at The Art Guild, Manhasset, NY. The theme of the show reflects how the global pandemic has affected our artistic development. For me, being restrained to my apartment for nearly a year now, I have started to photograph interesting objects which I am pulling out of the closet.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
I can't believe it's nearly Winter. When I started working from home back in March, cold air blew in through the Window as I enjoyed the cool Spring air. Summer was just a blur. I seem to remember the loud hum of the air-conditioners well into November. The air has finally cooled enough for me to switch to just fans to circulate the air.
Been avoiding the major supermarkets in favor of neighborhood markets for essentials, but their selection is limited. I've been avoiding all forms of human contact or leaving my place, even for lunch. Gradually I have been venturing out a bit more and more as my fear of the outside world is subsiding.
But, as the new Spring promises to breath new life into the world, this is the darkest time of our history. It is always darkest before the dawn. It is getting dark and will continue to get darker for another 4 weeks until it cannot become any darker.
It will be over soon so hang in there. Forgo the parties and celebrations for next year we party twice as hard. Where once we had one birthday, in 2021 we will have two. Where once we had yuletide festivities, in 2021 we will once again enjoy our family and friends with real hugs and real kisses.
I suspect that Spring of 2021 I will start back up my photography projects once again as the world heals itself. We are hurting and we are in pain. But those of us to survive this will once again embrace and enjoy life. soon.
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Months seem like days and every day brings more horror. Cuomo has been keeping us safe and the virus in check. Aside from the supermarket hell, life is moving on. I can "mask up" and visit retail shops and deli's again but I have little reason.
My muscles ache from lack of use. I feel myself getting weaker. UPS delivered the largest package I have ever purchased - an e-bike. I took it for a spin today and got some of the muscles working again and the blood flowing.
Cuomo legalized e-bikes last month and I was hoping to get one before the rush. So much to learn about classes, speed restrictions, and such. My oldest hobby gets a reboot as technology makes it possible for me to enjoy biking again.
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Other than watching civilization slowly crumble and grocery shopping brought to new heights of aggravation, I am comfortably working from home these days. Being home all the time I am catching up on my domestic projects - replaced the broken coffee maker, cleaned the photo studio, and I'm set to clean the hall closet next week.
I've never been more proud of the peaceful protests and demand for police reform in this country. Demand change. Hold your representatives accountable. And, for god's sake: get out there and VOTE!