Monday, May 11, 2020

I cannot believe it has been a month since my last post.  My brain has quit processing time.  I have been avoiding the supermarkets, getting essentials at a local market while wearing a mask and gloves.  Whatever they don't have I try to mail-order.  I just paid $20 bucks for a bag of flour because I miss pancakes.

As for the photography?  I am cleaning the studio; gasp if you might!  I tossed some dungeon furniture and replaced it with a utility cart to organize my lighting gear.  The place was tossed after I lost my Internet connection from FIOS.  They sent a tech the very next day but he had to hand me tools thru the crack in the door so I could do the repairs myself!  I needed to dig out all the contents of the closet to find the ONT.  I suspect they pushed a firmware update and it went dark since I'm still on POTS.  Good thing I used to be a tech.

Modeling... yea; about that.  I haven't even picked up a camera in months.  I've got 2 models "on hold" and don't expect to be recruiting others until next year.  Those 2 models are both on lockdown as well.  I will continue to clean and organize, catching up on little projects like repair of light switches and clocks around the place.

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